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Ebony Spire: Heresy

Platforms: Linux, Mac OS, Windows   Developer: Bearded Giant Games   Publisher: Bearded Giant Games   Year: 2017   Tags: Fantasy, Roguelike, Single Character, Turn-based combat  


Ebony Spire: Heresy is a love letter to dungeon crawlers of old with a twist: It's been signed with the blood of many roguelike games that have been experienced by the writer. Crawl, throw, summon and smash your way through 20 levels of pure mishap in this first person turn based dungeon crawling game. Experience a back-to-the-basics computer role playing game where items play a central role. Pick up, throw, use, equip and drink your way up the tower to slay the fervent goddess.

  • All items can be used by and against the player. Enemies have access to the same abilities as you do
  • Character development revolves around the items that can be obtained. There are no classic stats or XP grinding
  • Turn-based combat in a very roguelike fashion
  • Portals that will lead you outside the tower for a quick item hunting session: Cities, Harbors, Dungeons and Arenas can be explored
  • Two game modes: Classic and Infinite Heresy - toggle between them with a simple visit to the options menu!

Ebony Spire: Heresy is a niche game that blends roguelike mechanics with old-school first person dungeon crawlers. The game is designed as a coffee-break game (short play sessions) and may be a deal-breaker for some players while others might enjoy the quick level-to-level progression while they are queueing in an online game.


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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