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Theme: Day | Night

Heroes of a Broken Land 2

Platforms: Windows   Developer: Winged Pixel Inc.   Publisher: Winged Pixel Inc.   Franchise: Heroes of a Broken Land   Year: 2019   Tags: Early Access, Fantasy, Party based, Strategy, Town building, Turn-based combat  


Procedurally generated strategic RPG with multiple parties and endless worlds to explore. Recruit heroes, build towns and explore dungeons in your quest to restore the Broken Land.

The world has been shattered, destroyed by the corruption of the Wizard Council of old. You are one of the few remaining Wizards, it is your burden to correct the mistakes of the past. Trapped in crystal you cannot act directly, you must gather heroes to your cause and lead them in your quest to restore these broken lands.

  • Explore an Endless Land: Procedurally generated worlds means an nearly endless adventure. Customize the worlds you explore as small or as large as you desire.
  • Recruit a Team of Heroes: Manage multiple parties of heroes, recruiting only the best and bravest. Train them in dozens of classes to build the perfect party.
  • Build and Manage your Town: Build and customize your town to best train and equip your party and attract the most skilled heroes.

This is the sequel to Heroes of a Broken Land.


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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