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Theme: Day | Night


Platforms: BBC Micro, Electron   Developer: Acornsoft Limited   Publisher: Acornsoft Limited   Year: 1984   Tags: Real-time combat, Sci-fi, Single Character  


In Maze the player enters the facilities of a rival company with the aim of stealing secret information. The building is highly secure and patrolled by robot guards that will shoot any intruder on sight.

Like in other maze games of the early eighties the game is played from a first person perspective. Each level is exited through a lift that only opens when the player has access to a key. The key can be found inside a indestructible iridium box that can only be opened if the player first locates three randomly placed identity tags and drops them in the box.

The player has access to a gun that can be used to kill robots (although new ones will take the place of the killed ones). The gun however only has three bullets and to get more ammunition the player has to run over special power points that are marked by pentangles on the floor. In addition to the first person perspective there is also a top down map view that shows everything that the player has encountered as well as the position of all robot guards (even if the player hasn't spotted them).


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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