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The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight

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The Bard's Tale Trilogy

Platforms: Mac OS, Windows, Xbox One   Developer: inXile Entertainment, Krome Studios   Publisher: inXile Entertainment   Franchise: The Bard's Tale   Year: 2018   Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Turn-based combat  


Experience the events that led to The Bard’s Tale IV: Barrows Deep and The Mage’s Tale! The Bard's Tale Trilogy is a remastering of the classic 1980’s series, one of the godfathers of the RPG genre. Create an adventuring party in the first volume and play it across all three, creating a heroic story all your own!

  • Rescue a city trapped by a wizard, reforge the legendary Destiny Wand, and travel across time and space to confront a Mad God!

  • Enjoy a uniform playing experience across all three titles without the need for emulation or compatibility concerns.  

  • For the first time, play as male or female across all three games! Also includes other quality of life changes such as automapping for all three games, spell access, and updated equipment/inventory management. 

  • The final game content released will be the Legacy Mode, a suite of features which will allow veteran players to experience the games similar to how they first played them, and will be released free of charge for owners when complete.

The Bard's Tale Trilogy is a chance for old fans to be young once again and for a new generation of roleplaying and dungeon crawler fans to discover why these games matter so much all these years later. Pick up the game and start your epic adventure today!


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