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Legends of Amberland II: The Song of Trees has been released on PC!
[News] 2023-12-05 15:38:52
Written by: zooperdan

This is great news for all you crawlerheads and especially those of you that enjoyed the first game! Legends of Amberland II: The Song of Trees has now been released for PC!


From the developer webpage:


Legends of Amberland II: The Song of Trees is a classic RPG driven by my personal nostalgia for the 90s era of RPGs. It’s a turn-based, first-person view, over-the-grid movement, party-based RPG where you lead a group of heroes on an epic quest without dealing with moral dilemmas and other nonsense. There are dragons to kill, treasures to be found, people to be rescued, and an evil behind the events in Amberland that you must deal with, of course, as the noble heroes who undertake such quests.

At release, the game is available in English only, but very soon it will be localized to German, French, and Polish. Later, even more languages are planned to be added.

The consoles port (Nintendo Switch and XBOX) is planned for 2024.

The game has a full gamepad support (and SteamDeck support) at release.


Visit the developer's webpage for more information and where to get this brilliant game!



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