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Wizardry 1 for Wonderswan fan-translated
[News] 2020-12-25 09:13:53

Wizardry, one of the oldest and still one of the most playable dungeon crawlers of all time, has now been fan-translated for the Wonderswan Color. The game has been released on many computer and console systems and yet, it's always neat to me to see another version translated.

The Wonderswan Color release seems to be the youngest port of all of them, published just 17 years ago in 2003. Due to being on a handheld, it looks a bit compact, but the core gameplay of the game will make sure that whatever system you play this on, it will remain just as fun.

Thanks to @gamerhenky on Twitter (aka Hengki Kusuma Adi) for his work. From the readme of the game is also the following info, that shows that the game is more than just a straightforward port.

There are tons of new features exclusive to this particular version such as showing pictures for items and events related, new exclusive version weapons and items that weren't originally available in others, free automap feature that was may borrowed from Llylgamyn Saga compilation, the ability to download New Maze and Shopping via Wonder Gate, and finally a new unlockable Survival Mode once the game cleared, basically defeating wave of monsters without getting wiped out entirely and achieving for the high score. However, the rest of the other scenarios (Knight of Diamonds and Legacy of Llylgamyn) was never released on this system ever.


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