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68k Studios

Indie video games developer with works inspired by classic games from the 80s and the 90s. If you love RPGs and adventure games from the Amiga computers era, take a look at their games: they were made for people like you.



Grid-Based First Person Dungeon Crawler set in a Dark Fantasy version of the Imperial Rome. Create and develop your party, explore catacombs, manage your Gladiatorial School and fight demons and undead to free Rome. Inspired by old-school cRPG from the 80s and 90s.

Tags: Horror, Party based, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: Windows  

Year: 2024

The city of Karradash is under attack: the monsters of the Shadow Realms are emerging from the depths. No adventurer is strong enough to defeat the horde alone, but the whole people of Karradash is ready to fight. Unlike other games in the genre, in Mazes of Karradash the key to complete the adventure is to develop your own village, and not just the individual character.

Tags: Permadeath, Single Character, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: Android  

Year: 2015

dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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