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This is the first part of a computer trilogy of a German P&P-RPG Das Schwarze Auge. You can create a party of six characters to explore a world called Aventurien. Each player is represented by a skill and attribute system.

Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Physical Release, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS  

Year: 1992

This is part two in the computer version of the trilogy based on Germany's N°1 RPG "Das Schwarze Auge", and the sequel to Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny. The game uses an advanced version of the interface first introduced in part one. You create a party of adventurers, navigating them from first-person perspective, and entering isometric view when in combat mode. The combat is turn-based and allows you to move your characters freely over the battle field.

Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Physical Release, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: MS-DOS  

Year: 1994

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