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Theme: Day | Night

Der Geisterturm / The Ghost Tower

Platforms: Linux, Windows   Developer: Graverobber Foundation   Publisher: Graverobber Foundation   Franchise: Der Geist   Year: 2020   Tags: Cyberpunk, Horror, Single Character, Turn-based combat  


Der Geisterturm is a futuristic dungeon crawler with survival horror elements where you fight your way to the top floor of a mysterious tower while piloting your own Robotic Combat Suit.

By 2074 the Earth turned into a scorched wasteland, forcing the population to leave the planet or move underground while two megacorps are stuck in an endless war over the territory and resources. After graduating from the military academy you've decided to join Eberbach Corp as a Robotic Combat Suit pilot...

...but something went wrong. You wake inside a large Robotic Combat Suit with no recollection of your past, and a mysterious man commands you to climb to the top floor.

Will you reach it alive or die trying?

  • Fight your way through 15 floors filled with dangerous encounters, traps, and puzzles;
  • Tactical turn-based combat within dungeons that will test your resource management skills;
  • Original progression system: search for upgrades to improve your armor, abilities, and weapons while the pilot gets better through killing or avoiding enemies;
  • Unique wireframe-like graphics style supported by the atmospheric electronic soundtrack.


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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