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Theme: Day | Night

It's Six Random Characters and a Single Floor Dungeon, That's the Whole Game

Platforms: Windows   Developer: Cannibal Interactive   Publisher: Cannibal Interactive   Year: 2020   Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Roguelike, Turn-based combat  


You start with a team of 6 random characters, and try to make your way through a single labyrinth. Each character has a Class and Race that influence them at the start, and you can find things along the way to stay strong as you try and reach the exit.

There are Toilets to scavenge equipment from, Computers to print out more Skill Licenses from, and Vending Machines to buy consumables from. There are also monsters, and a single door. Do your best to make it to the exit!

There is no persistent progress or saving; each run is its own thing. Once you beat the boss or all party members die, that's the end.

This is not a story-rich game or one where much information is given at all. This is not a roguelike where you can get a "God-run" and everything goes great. This is a game where you and your group is lost in a dungeon, and there is no one and nothing to save you but yourself.

While each dungeon is just one floor, it's expansive enough to make getting lost easy. A single run shouldn't take more than 30 minutes.


Related posts:

[News] It's Six Random Characters released

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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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