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Theme: Day | Night

Jaktar: Der Elfenstein

Platforms: Amiga   Developer: Eric Hambuch   Publisher: APC&TCP   Year: 1995   Tags: Party based, Physical Release, Turn-based combat  


Jaktar is a traditional role-playing game that could be described as a mixture of the popular games Ultima, Eye of the Beholder and Dungeon Master. The player has the task of protecting the mysterious continent of Salar from the invasion of the hostile armies of a sinister warlock. On this odyssey the player encounters a variety of different puzzles and hidden dangers.

The main playing field is more than 256 screens and countless dungeons and cities in 3D create the right feeling of adventure.

The peaceful continent of Salar is threatened by the forces of evil. Only when the fragments of the magical crystal JAKTAR are found again and united on the sacred altar can the spell of darkness be broken. Six young adventurers will move out and travel the countries from the ice desert to the fever jungle in order to accomplish their task. Mystical puzzles in forgotten places and battles with the inhabitants of demonic spheres will not make this task easy ... JAKTAR casts the Amiga role player under its spell for weeks.

  • 8 MB graphics in 64 to 4096 colors on all Amigas
  • 3 MB music & sound FX for every game situation
  • Orchestral soundtrack
  • Playable on all Amigas
  • 300 screens large, detailed playing field in 2D
  • Realistic environment with sea voyages, day / night cycle and crashing thunderstorms ...
  • Dozens of dungeons and completely bustling cities and villages in a varied 3D view
  • 20 intelligent and dangerous monster classes
  • 100 independent non-player characters!
  • Action-packed body zone combat system
  • Easy to learn magic system
  • 8 races and 7 professions for the pawns
  • More than 50 weapons and objects
  • Operation by mouse and keyboard
  • Fully multitasking compatible
  • Supports additional devices such as RAM and accelerator card.


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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