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Theme: Day | Night


Platforms: Gear VR, Oculus Go, Windows   Developer: CrazyBunch   Publisher: Headup Games   Year: 2018   Tags: Fantasy, Real-time combat, Single Character, VR  


KryptCrawler brings classic first person, grid based Dungeon Crawler gameplay to your PC and VR. Descend into the unknown and explore the perilous depth of the sinister tombs and crypts you are thrown into, armed with nothing but a map and your wits.

Find powerful weapons and wield mighty artifacts to fight off the undead remains of the warriors who have come here before you. Defend yourself against poisonous scorpions, hungry spiders and other creatures of the dark.

KryptCrawler delivers a combination of turn based old school gameplay and real time combat and trap evasion unprecedented in its genre. Let’s just hope you make it back to sunlight to the world of the living – there are many rumors of simplehearted adventurers who have set foot into the abyss of the crypt and never have been heard of again!

  • An unmatched VR dungeon experience: The immersion of modern VR will make you almost smell the moss-covered stonewalls of the underworld
  • Survive vicious traps and solve challenging puzzles: Many tests will await you deep down in the crypt, getting more deadly the further you descend into the catacombs.
  • A modern take on the old-school battle and movement system
  • Fight off enemies in real time combat: Close combat swordfight, ranged bow mastery and more – which warrior’s path will you choose?
  • Loot weapons and epic treasures: All over the dungeon there are powerful weapons and treasures to discover. Some will help you fight ferocious enemies some will even let you unveil new paths deeper into the crypt.
  • Hours of content: Fight, puzzle and explore through 10 giant story levels and unveil an ancient secret which lies hidden deep inside the crypt.


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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