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Theme: Day | Night


Platforms: Nintendo DSi   Developer: INTENSE, Ltd.   Publisher: Gamebridge Ltd.   Franchise: Picdun   Year: 2011   Tags: Anime, Single Character  


(Official Description by Nintendo)

PICture DUNgeon is a very unique action RPG. Every step you take exploring the dungeon will fill in the blanks of a hidden picture.
Use your head to solve puzzles that unveil hidden passages and use your pedometer to help find every step that will reveal the hidden images.
Attack & counter with your sword & shield, charging up attacks to unleash killer blows. Upgrade your weapons and equipment and fight through hordes of creatures as you explore deeper into the dungeon.
There's a picture on each of the 60 floors to unlock, each more detailed than the last. Picdun will keep you playing for a very long time.


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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