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Theme: Day | Night


Platforms: Android, iOS   Developer: BaldrickSoft Games   Publisher: BaldrickSoft Games   Year: 2019   Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Real-time combat  


Recall the fun of the classic RPG games inspired by dungeons and dragons - embedded in 3D surroundings with a deep, captivating story. Discover an enigmatic realm loaded with ancient magic and myths - grand legends are reborn as you venture into this offline role playing game!

The conquer's tale leads you beneath the ruined towns - toward grim, eerie dungeons and nesting monsters in the ghostly light. Some descendants of Harten still resist with all their might, enshrining the secrets of the ancestors' magic. Join the mission to bring the liberty and the radiant, lost wisdom back for these rich and fantasy lands! The Crown's glory and treasures are buried, many kingdoms of darkness has invaded the realm, but the hope for changing the threads of the history has not been forlorn in the deepness of the dungeons. Finally, the reward for your efforts will be fabulous!

  • Mythic beasts and other fantasy creatures like skeletons,dragons and demons come to life in a cryptic hand-crafted dungeon environment.
  • Armour yourself for the battles, and find your best strategy to attack their enemies' weaknesses.
  • The adventures provide you thousands of upgradable items (weapons, armors, accessories); use miraculous artifacts to make them stronger!
  • Action and story-telling both play vital roles during achieving quests and puzzles like in classic role playing games.
  • Fight in real-time combats for fabulous loots, magical items and otherworldly abilities!
  • Learn plenty of devastating, protective or remedial spells & skills, and master the status effects for advance!
  • Roam around the fantasy realm, follow your insight, and keep an observing attitude - the help would arise sometimes by surprising sources to solve the riddles and puzzles - don't leave a path unexplored!
  • Discover other wanderers traces; talk and trade with NPC's through your quests; search for meaningful hints to find out the puzzles.
  • Envision the fairy past by the haunting memories of the fallen heroes! Find the scrolls of Harten and Aesthirya to unearth legendary episodes from the greatest empires' history.
  • Be aware of the crafty & deadly traps in the labyrinths!
  • Experiment the wonder of Magic Forge: make powerful potions, craft epic, legendary or even relic items, and enchant your gear!
  • Play offline, and find all the dungeons and dragons.
  • Dive into the adventures of Arcane Dungeon's grim labyrinth for marvelous treasures and loot, when the hallowed Moons let you enter!


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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