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The Shadow of Yserbius

Platforms: MS-DOS   Developer: Sierra On-Line Inc., Ybarra Productions Inc.   Publisher: Sierra On-Line Inc.   Year: 1993   Tags: Fantasy, Multiplayer, Party based, Physical Release, Turn-based combat  


Shadow of Yserbius is the single-player, non-networked version of the popular graphical multi-user dungeon game on The Sierra Network. You create a character and journey as a solo adventurer into the dungeons and depths of the volcano Yserbius. You see the game from a first-person perspective as you journey through Yserbius. The story slowly unfolds as your character advances in experience while exploring the volcano. The Shadow of Yserbius, originally published by Sierra On-Line and developed by Joe Ybarra of Ybarra Productions, was the first of three graphical MUDs (Multi User Dungeons) for the online community. Opening to rave reviews, The Shadow of Yserbius, according to industry critics, set the standard by which all future MUDs would be judged. The game was followed by two sequels entitled The Fates of Twinion and The Ruins of Cawdor.  


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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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