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Theme: Day | Night


Vaporum is a modern, real-time dungeon crawler situated in an original steampunk setting. Stranded in the middle of an ocean, in front of a gigantic tower, the hero has to find out what the place is, what happened there, and most importantly, who he is.

Tags: Real-time combat, Single Character, Steampunk  

Platforms: Linux, Mac OS, PS4, Windows, Xbox One  

Year: 2017

Vaporum: Lockdown is a prequel to the steampunk dungeon crawler Vaporum and expands on everything that made the first game good, including more menacing enemy types, broadened skill trees, new gadgets, plenty of new unique items, original puzzles and mechanics. Vaporum: Lockdown follows the story of Lisa Teller, a teleport operator & scientist, who struggles to survive the aftermath of a terrible event.

Tags: Real-time combat, Single Character, Steampunk  

Platforms: Linux, Mac OS, Windows  

Year: 2020

dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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