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Theme: Day | Night


A dozen years have passed since the death of the king. People are becoming nervous due to a recent series of extraordinary natural phenomena. The protagonist goes deep inside a holy labyrinth, fights against monsters with his sword and magic spells, and solves puzzles to unveil the mystery. The new story takes place in the world after King's Field 1, 2 and 3.

Tags: Fantasy, Real-time combat, Single Character  

Platforms: PlayStation Vita, PSP  

Year: 2006

The protagonist goes deep inside a holy labyrinth while fighting against monsters with his sword and magic spells and also solving puzzles to unveil the mystery. The data from King's Field Additional 1 can be carried over to this installment. What the player did in the previous installment will affect the story in this installment. Only those who clear both stories will be able to see the final ending.

Sequel to King's Field: Additional I.

Tags: Fantasy, Real-time combat, Single Character  

Platforms: PlayStation Vita, PSP  

Year: 2006

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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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