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DOOM comes to mobile devices as a first-person turn-based role playing game, co-developed by John Carmack. It incorporates many elements of the original game, but was designed with the limitations of the platform in mind. Instead of giving complete freedom, you move in steps and turn by 90 degrees. You can move as fast as you want, but when a monster appears, the game becomes completely turn-based, both for movement and attacks.

Tags: Sci-fi, Single Character, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: BlackBerry, BREW, J2ME  

Year: 2005

Orcs & Elves is a turn-based role-playing game based on improved DOOM RPG engine. The story follows an elf named Elli who, along with a talking magic wand Ellon, heads to the depths of a devastated dwarven citadel to find out what happened there, battling foes of many kinds, finding mysterious items and meeting various people.

Tags: Fantasy, Single Character, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: Java (mobile), Nintendo DS  

Year: 2006

Orcs & Elves II continues the epic story from the original game and expands the Orcs & Elves universe. Evil begins to spread throughout the lands after the fall of King Brahm at Mount Zharrkarag.

Tags: Fantasy, Single Character, Turn-based combat  

Platforms: Java (mobile)  

Year: 2007

Captured by the Axis military, Sgt. B.J. Blazkowicz must escape and defeat the Paranormal Division to save the world from the grip of evil. Within the walls of the infamous Castle Wolfenstein lies secrets of diabolical genetic research and weapons. Using variety of weapons, wits, and chickens Sgt. Blazkowicz will meet the enemy head-on, emancipate the prisoners and bring the Axis to its knees.

Tags: Contemporary, Real-time combat, Single Character  

Platforms: BlackBerry, BREW, iOS, J2ME  

Year: 2008

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dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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