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Theme: Day | Night

Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord

Platforms: Apple II, Commodore 128, Commodore 64, FM-7, Game Boy Color, Macintosh, MSX, NES, PC Booter, PC-88, PC-98, Sharp X1, WonderSwan Color   Developer: Sir-tech Software Inc.   Publisher: Sir-tech Software Inc.   Franchise: Wizardry   Year: 1981   Tags: Fantasy, Party based, Physical Release, Turn-based combat  


The first Wizardry was one of the original dungeon-crawling role-playing games, and stands along with Ultima andMight & Magic as one of the defining staples of the genre. The player generates and control a party of up to six different adventurers, choosing from four races (humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes and hobbits), three alignments (good, neutral and evil), and four basic classes (fighter, priest, mage and thief). These can later evolve into elite classes (bishop: priest with mage spells; samurai: fighter with mage spells; lord: fighter with priest spells, and ninja: fighter with thief abilities) if they meet the necessary level requirements. After outfitting the party with basic weapons and armor, the player sends it into a 3D vector maze-like dungeon to fight monsters in turn-based combat and find treasure.


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dungeoncrawlers.org - Keep calm and crawl dungeons!
dungeon crawlers, rpg, rpg games, retro gaming, retro games
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